Friday, February 23, 2007

Russia April 12-23/2006
Plans for our Russia trip are well underway - April 12th we will be off to Perm, Russia for a week of teaching at one of the largest churches in Russia. The church in Perm, bought Lenin's Palace - and this magnificent building now has 3500 people attending church each week. Our of this church, they have planted 85 branch churches around the country. We will be doing pastoral training, and having meetings in the evening as well. My husband along with another pastor or two, will be doing this teaching. I will be visiting Orphanages - arrangements have been made for me to visit 3-4 orphanages - and we will be taking T-Shirts for over 400 orphans. On the T-Shirts, we will print a teddy bear with Russian wording "Jesus Loves Me". I was privileged to meet a wonderful Lady from Montreal, who is an artist and she along with her husband, do orphanage work in Ukraine,and she has established the Teddy-Bear logo and will be assisting me in this project. Its always so exciting to bring something that will brighten the day for these dear children. We will also be taking home-made wooden toys, made by Judge Terry Shupe from Kamloops. Its so wonderful to have these toys made for each of our trips - many thanks to Judge Shupe for his many hours of investment into these toys for the orphanages. You will see on the web page - one of the children at the Brain-Injury orphanage receiving her little wooden cradle with a doll inside - this little girl had tears running down her face and the director of the orphanage was so amazed to see the response from the child who normally does not show emotion.
If we can brighten the day of one child somewhere in the world, nothing could repay us for any amount of sacrifice it takes to get the toys into the hands of these wonderful children.
On this trip to Russia - we will also be taking a 20 hour train trip from Perm to Moscow and ministering in a large church there. This will be my 1st time in Moscow - and I look forward to see the people of God there in Russia.

Fun Raising
We will be holding a Silent Auction in March 23rd- we plan to raise money so that when we arrive at these orphanages, we can bless them with assistance. When we arrived at the Brain-Injury Orphanage, in China - we could have supplied sponge beds for all the children if we had
$ 200cad. This is not alot of money to any one of us over here in North America(we spend alot more on one bed then it would cost for all those beds in China), but over in these foreign countries, it can make a huge difference. Please make checks payable to "International Humanitarian Hope Society" - the address is on the web site. We would appreciate considering how you can partner with us so we can touch the world.If you would like to attend this Silent Auction, please e-mail me - this auction will be by personal invitation only.

India - Aug 27-Sept 10
Our India trip is coming up shortly after the trip to Russia - we leave for Cochin, India on August 27th - this looks like it will be one of our largest groups - I have pastors from the Bahamas and Canada and many orphanage workers planning to go. It will be a dynamic trip - why don't you consider to join us?

What I am doing these days
I just returned from an amazing Leadership Conference in Edmonton, Alberta - There were people from across Canada, sharing what they are doing in missions locally and around the world. I was so inspired by so many testimonies. We also heard from the Ambassador from Malaysia, Dennis Ignatius - who is a born-again Christian. He has an amazing testimony. He also has a book "Fire Begets Fire" -read this book - its so inspiring. This amazing man of God and his wife, will be coming to share in our church in the days ahead.

I also heard Val Day - wife of Stockwell Day. This lady is just an amazing witness not only in her city but in government. After I spent some time chatting with her, I realized what a woman of influence she is - and her life and love shines brightly to our nation.

One of the speakers was Crystal Snow - Miss Newfoundland/Labrador. She is an outstanding young woman with a heart of passion for the
youth of our nation. She has such a desire to see the youth become strong leaders in our nation - She has made a very lasting impression in the hearts of each person who heard her share.. I look forward to the day she will be coming to Kamloops to share her story with the youth of our church.
Most of all, I had the most awesome opportunity to network with many leaders across the nation. I made many new friends and who knows how the future will bring us back together again. I know that this was a special time for me to be challenged and encouraged in the work we are doing around the world. It was such an honor to be asked to share about the work of "International Humanitarian Hope Society"and the vision we have to reach and teach people in different parts of the world. One thing that stands out in my mind - "Only one life which soon will pass - Only what's done for Christ will last"........Will you make a difference in the heart of some child in another country - one day you will reap the reward.
Thank you for hearing my heart,
Evelyn Picklyk
International Humanitarian Hope Society